
Workshop "An introduction for Teaching Assistants"

Dr. Marion Lehner (Educational Development and Technology)

  • Workshop "An introduction for Teaching Assistants"

All ETH doctoral students are required to assist in the teaching activities of their departments or chairs and thereby to develop their own teaching competences. Our experience shows that becoming familiar with the basics of teaching and learning already at the beginning of the doctorate makes the preparation and the teaching activity itself easier and more enjoyable.

This workshop will introduce you to teaching and to the role of teaching assistants at ETH. You will learn about:

  • Strategies for creating an effective learning environment
  • Approaches to engage students actively
  • Methods for assessing learning in the classroom.

And you will have the opportunity to practice these techniques with your peers!
Finally y
ou will learn about the offer available at ETH to develop your teaching skills.


Two dates are available:

Date: Tuesday, 27 February 2024
Time: 13:00 - 14:00
Location: ETH Main Building (R?mistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich), room HG D 18.1

Registration "An introduction for TAs - 27.02.2024": closed

Date: Tuesday, 26 March 2024
Time: 12:00 - 13:00

Location: Building HIT (Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27, 8093 Zurich), room HIT H 42

Registration "An introduction for TAs - 26.03.2024": closed

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